The European Commission is pleased to invite you to this eafip workshop which targets public procurement authorities in general public services like public administration, and economic and financial affairs (ministries, regional and local authorities, public utility companies, etc.). A special focus will be on eGovernment solutions.
The workshop will be held in Barcelona (Spain) on 31st May 2016. The aim of the event is to highlight the benefits of innovation procurement of ICT solutions through the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) approaches across …
How Can the Public Sector Become an Agent of Innovation?
The workshop aims to generate collective insight into public sector innovation for Open eGovernment Services (OGS). It is clear that OGS require a deep change in the machinery of government, but also they act as an incentive for change through for example increased transparency and collaboration. The study has analysed several cases in order to understand the key costs and benefits of OGS. The workshop now aims to analyse in depth the rationale and drivers behind these cases, in order to draw lessons and develop future …
VIII Reunión de Jóvenes Farmacólogos de Andalucía
Fecha: Martes 31 de mayo de 2016
Lugar: Facultad de Medicina. Campus de Teatinos
Hora: 10,00 (inauguración)