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  • Agreement signing between Andalucía Tech and La Caixa to boost transport sector
    Feb. 12, 2013
    The aim is to emphasize the role played by universities in the socio-economic growth
  • New UMA Journal issue on culture covers the dignity of the word
    Feb. 12, 2013
    The journal "Paradigma" (Paradigm) emphasizes the need to recover its importance
  • The University of Málaga establishes ties with South Korea
    Feb. 11, 2013
    UMA encourages you to take part in the I Cultural Week of South Korea taking place in the city of Málaga
  • UMA reaches out to Secondary Education schools to advocate for Economics as a compulsory subject
    Feb. 8, 2013
    The School of Economics holds its Fifth Olympic Awards
  • Spanish-Portuguese Scientific Managemet holds its XXIII meeting in Málaga
    Feb. 7, 2013
    Entrepreneurship and transparency are the main themes for this meeting held at UMA
  • Cientos de preuniversitarios se interesan por la oferta de la UMA en UNITOUR
    Feb. 6, 2013
    Este salón tiene como objetivo orientar a los alumnos sobre su futuro académico
  • Presidenta de la CRUE: Las reformas de la Universidad deben ser fruto del consenso
    Feb. 6, 2013
    Esta afirmación fue realizada en el Desayuno informativo que ha organizado la CRUE junto con Europa Press 
    May 3, 2012
    LA OTRI DESARROLLA UNA WEB PARA COMERCIALIZAR LAS INVENCIONES DE LA UMA La Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI) de la Universidad de Málaga ha creado un portal …
    April 27, 2012
    FGUMA announces the II environmental photography prizeThe FGUMA, on its unwavering commitment to the environment announces the II Environmental Photography Prize
    April 27, 2012
    OPEN THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF COMPETITION FILMS The short films can be submitted until July 5 and feature films until July 16
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