Press room news
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June 3, 2013The text translated was that of Stratís Tsirkas' trilogy 'Drifting Cities'
June 3, 2013The exhibit entitled "Cadáveres Arquitectónicos" will be open until June 26
June 3, 2013First-time candidates, SITUMA and CSIF, gained 5 and 4 representatives, respectively
June 1, 2013The session was held Saturday morning in Teatinos and was organised by Directorate-General for Sports and the Medical College
June 1, 2013Ocho universidades de cinco países disputan el título la próxima semana en Almería
May 31, 2013Six seminars and a workshop on career counselling will take place July 1 and 2 in Ronda
May 31, 2013Fieldwork has been carried out in García Lorca School
May 30, 2013Young people have created a garland with ideas, wishes, and proposals
May 30, 2013The meeting follows the “Pechakucha" format
May 30, 2013Fancine and Summer Courses are among the joint cultural events
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