
The Interdisciplinarity Doctoral Seminar

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The Civic Constellation Project



Launched in 2016, the Interdisciplinarity Doctoral Seminar brings every December the ongoing research of PhD students, and since 2021 of MA students and recent postdocs as well, facing different methodological and thematic issues that challenge traditional separations between scholarly disciplines. Guest researchers share their views contributing to the seminar debates.

2024 Edition

Common Ground: The Ethics and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research, eigth edition of the IDS, convened by Rosario López and José María Rosales at the University of Málaga, 16 December 2024.

Keynote Lecture: If Interdisciplinary Research is the Solution, What is the Problem? Why and When Do Common Grounds Make Better Solutions?, by Prof. Andreas Føllesdal, University of Oslo and Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

Contributions by Francisco J. Bellido, Francisco Miguel Macías Pozo, Leonardo Masone, Tomás Pacheco-Bethencourt, Marta Postigo, Manuel Toscano and Antonio Trujillo

Call for Papers

2023 Edition

Interdisciplinarity from a Global Perspective: The Ethics and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research, seventh edition of the IDS, convened by Rosario López and José María Rosales at the University of Málaga, 21 December 2023.

Keynote Lecture: The Naturalization of Ethics as an Interdisciplinary Project: Possible Strengths and Limits, by Dr. Susana Cadilha, NOVA University Lisbon

Contributions by Francisco J. Bellido, Konstantinos Bizas, Susana Jussila, Francisco Miguel Macías, Tomás Pacheco-Bethencourt, Olga Ramírez, José María Rosales, Just Serrano, and Manuel Toscano

Call for Papers

2022 Edition

The Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity: The Ethics and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research, sixth edition of the IDS, convened by Marta Postigo and Rosario López at the University of Málaga, 20 December 2022.

Contributions by Francisco J. Bellido, Malin Grahn-Wilder, Pedro Merino Gallardo, Tomás Pacheco-Bethencourt, Jesús Pinto Freyre, José María Rosales, Adrián Santamaría, and Manuel Toscano

Call for Papers

2021 Edition

Between Cooperation and Integration: The Ethics and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research, Doctoral Seminar convened by Marta Postigo and Rosario López at the University of Málaga, 17 December 2021.

Keynote Lecture: Before and After Nietzsche: Interdisciplinarity and Genealogical Research, by Prof. Gabriella Silvestrini, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli

Contributions by Francisco J. Bellido, Konstantinos Bizas, Mabel Holgado, Pablo Mula, Tomás Pacheco-Bethencourt, José María Rosales and Manuel Toscano

Call for Papers

2020 Edition

Crossing Boundaries between Disciplines: The Ethics and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research, Doctoral Seminar convened by Marta Postigo and Rosario López at the University of Málaga, 21 December 2020.

Keynote Lecture: Normativity between Empirical Research, Educational Practice and Philosophy of Education: The Case of Empirical Bildung Research, by Prof. Mariann Solberg, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Contributions by Francisco J. Bellido, Tomás Pacheco-Bethencourt, Jorge Suárez, José María Rosales and Manuel Toscano

Call for Papers

2019 Edition

Humanities at the Crossroads: The Ethics and Politics of Interdisciplinary Research, Doctoral Seminar convened by Marta Postigo and Rosario López at the University of Málaga, 13 December 2019.

Keynote Lecture: How Much Politics Does Political Theory Need, by Prof. Ana Matan, University of Zagreb

Contributions by Francisco J. Bellido, Tomás P. Bethencourt, Stella Casola, Elena Fusar Poli, Daniel Matthews-Ferrero, Pedro Merino, José María Rosales and Manuel Toscano

Call for Papers

2017 Edition

Reappraising the Challenges of Interdisciplinarity in Social Sciences and Humanities: Ethical and Political Debates, Doctoral Seminar convened by Marta Postigo and Rosario López at the University of Málaga, 1 December 2017.

Keynote Lecture: On Human Rights: Historical and Theoretical Issues, by Prof. João Cardoso Rosas, University of Minho

Contributions by Francisco Javier Bellido, Valentin Clavé-Mercier, Mike Cosgrave, Livia García-Faroldi, María Isabel Holgado, Mirja Schröder, Trevor R. Stack, Laia Yousef Sandoval

Call for Papers

2016 Edition

Exploring the Ideas of Political Community, Democracy and Self-Government: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Doctoral Seminar organized in cooperation with the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law (CISRUL), University of Aberdeen. Convened by Trevor R. Stack, Manuel Toscano and José María Rosales at the University of Málaga, 2-3 December 2016.

Contributions by Hanifi Baris, Francisco Bellido, Fernando Berdún, Timothy Fitzgerald, Karin Friedrich, Anna Grudzinska, Eve Hayes de Kalaf, María Isabel Holgado, Rosario López, Rose Luminiello, Marta Postigo, José María Rosales, Trevor Stack, Chuck Sturtevant, David Thunder, Manuel Toscano

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