Publicaciones - Área de Filología Inglesa
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2023 Pettersson, Lin. “Neo-Victorian Transcorporeality: Narrating Julia Pastrana’s Body.” Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación 30, 2023, pp. 207-221. 2022
Pettersson, Lin. “The Music-Hall Actress and Transcending Femininity in the Victorian Public Sphere: A Re-Orientation of Her Moral Status.” Clepsydra 22, 2022, pp. 95-110. Arias Doblas, Rosario, Laura Monrós Gaspar, Miriam Borham Puyal y Lin Pettersson. “Women’s Fluid Spaces and Gendered Spatial Orientations in Victorian Literature and Culture.” Moving beyond the Pandemic: English and American Studies in Spain, 2022, pp. 238-241. 2019 Ramírez-Arlandi, Juan. 2019. "The translation of reformist 19th-century English pedagogy in the United States: La educación intelectual, moral y física (1890) by Juan García Purón from Herbert Spencer’s Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (1860)". Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics XXIV: 169-192. doi: 10.7203/QF.24.16305 2018 Arias, Rosario and Lin Elinor Pettersson, eds. Reading the ‘Trace’ in Modern and Contemporary Fiction. Gylphi. In press. Arias, Rosario and Martyna Bryla. 2018. “Orientation towards Otherness in Social and Literary Spaces of Today’s Europe”. Palgrave Communications. Open Access. ISSN 2055-1045 (online) Calle Martín, Javier y Jesús Romero Barranco. 2018. "Paisaje y variación lingüística: el uso y la omisión del complementizador that en algunas variedades de inglés asiático". En Emilio OrtegaArjonilla (ed.), El paisaje. Percepciones interdisciplinares desde las humanidades. Granada:Comares. 203-212. Narbona-Carrión, María Dolores. 2018. "The representation of The Female Body in the Contemporary Cultural Context: The Case of HBO's Girls". Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 22: 211-245. Ramírez-Arlandi, Juan. 2018. "Reescritura y traducción de los clásicos medievales ingleses en Argentina: Patricio Gannon y The Pardoner’s Tale de Geoffrey Chaucer". In Salvador Peña y Juan Jesús Zaro (eds.). Traducir a los clásicos: entornos y contextos. Granada: Comares. 187-204. Ramírez-Arlandi, Juan. 2018. "Reformist 19th-century pedagogy in translation: De la educación intelectual, moral y física (1880) by Francisco de Asís Pacheco from Herbert Spencer's Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (1861)". 1611 Revista de Historia de la Traducción 12. |
2017 Arias, Rosario. “Queer Phenomenology and Tactility in Sarah Waters’s Neo-Victorian Fiction”. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. Ed. Mª del Pino Montesdeoca and M. José Chivite. Special issue: “The (Female) Body: New Encounters/Readings in British Fiction”. 74 (2017): 41-55. ISSN: 0211-5913. Calle Martín, Javier. 2017. "Revisiting Pleonastic that in Early English Medical Writing". Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 51.1: 1-16. Castillo, Concha. 2017. On linearization as part of narrow syntax: The case of OSV/OVS structures. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 14.1. Castillo, Concha. 2017. The neural signature of syntactic processing. Complutense Journal of English Studies 25: 27-48. Narbona-Carrión, María Dolores. 2017. "Las relaciones de amistad entre mujeres en los productos culturales: Análisis de la serie de televisión Girls". Oceánide 9. URL: Narbona-Carrión, María Dolores. 2017. "Rethinking the Image of Women in Contemporary Mass Media: The Case of the TV series Girls." In Astrid M. Fellner, Marta Fernández and Martina Martausová (eds.). Marlboro Men and California Gurls: Rethinking Gender in Popular Culture in the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 49-72. ISBN (10): 1-4438-7898-7; ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-7898-2. Ramírez-Arlandi, Juan. 2017. "The dissemination of English philosophical works in Spain via translations: The case of Siro García del Mazo's Fundamentos de la moral (1881) from The Data of Ethics (1879) by Herbert Spencer". Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Literaris 22: 255-276. Ramírez-Arlandi, Juan. 2017. "La literatura inglesa medieval en Sudamérica: Jorge Elliott y The Canterbury Tales". In Juan Jesús Zaro y Salvador Peña (eds.). De Homero a Pavese. Hacia un canon iberoamericano de clásicos universales. Kassel: Reichenberger. 39-64. Taillefer, Lidia. 2017. "La estética del modernismo norteamericano: análisis de la poesía visual de Marianne Moore". En Mendez Baiges, M.T. (ed.). Arte escrita: Texto, imagen y género en el arte contemporáneo. Granada: Comares. Vereda, C. González Sánchez, M. y Taillefer, L. 2017. "A Case of Surface Dyslexia in a Spanish-English Bilingual Patient with Broca's Aphasia". En L. Escobar, V. Torrens y T. Parodi (eds.). Language Processing and Disorders. New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. |
2016 Arias, Rosario. “Women and Victorian Spiritualism”. Routledge Historical Resources: The History of Feminism. London and New York: Routledge, 2016. Arias, Rosario. “(Sub)urban Landscapes and Perception in Neo-Victorian Fiction". Ed. Haunted Landscapes: Super-Nature and the Environment edited by Ruth Heholt and Niamh Downing. Rowman Littlefield, 2016 (november). 149-164ISBN 9781783488810 Castillo, Concha. 2016. The morphological trigger of V-to-T: The case of Old English. STUDIA ANGLICA POSNANIENSIA 51(1): 1-47. Castillo, Concha. 2016. "Against vP-pied piping as a way to derive head-final structures". ES. REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA INGLESA: 57-82. Castillo, Concha. 2016. "Noam Chomsky: Artífice de la ciencia lingüística". NEXUS 01: 85-97. Muñoz Luna, Rosa et al. 2016. "Routine breakers for emotionally active learning: a case study". International Journal of Higher Education 5.4: 52-62. |
2015 Arias, Rosario. “Neo-Sensation Fiction, or ‘Appealing to the Nerves’: Sensation and Perception in Neo-Victorian Fiction”. RSV - Rivista di Studi Vittoriani(Journal of Victorian Studies). RSV (Rivista di Studi Vittoriani), special issue "Neo-Victorian Deviance", guest editors: Mariaconcetta Costantini and Saverio Tomaiuolo, n. 40, July 2015. 13-30 Arias, Rosario. “Telling Otherwise: Collective and Personal Remembering and Forgetting in Kate Atkinson’s Life after Life”. Prospero: Rivista di LetteratureStraniere XX (2015): 125-142. Special issue on “Unforgiving Memory”. Ed. Marilena Parlati. DOI: 10.13137/2283-6438/11872. Calle-Martín, Javier and Jesús Romero-Barranco. 2015. "On the Use of make to vs. make ø in Early English Medical Writing". Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 37.1: 157-177. Calle-Martín, Javier. 2015. "The Split Infinitive in Middle English". NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution 68.2: 227-250. Castillo, Concha & M. Francisca Buys. 2015. "On the V2-type that disappears in ME". In J.C. Conde-Silvestre et al. (eds.). Approaches to Middle English: Variation, Contact and Change. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang. 199-211. Conde-Silvestre, Juan Camilo y Javier Calle-Martín. 2015. Approaches to Middle English. Contact, Variation and Change. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford and Wien: Peter Lang. Conde-Silvestre, Juan Camilo y Javier Calle-Martín. 2015. "Zero-that Clauses in the History of English. A Historical Sociolinguistic Approach (1424-1681)". Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 1.1: 57-86. Díaz Fernández, José Ramón. 2015. "Othello on Screen: A Comprehensive Film-Bibliography". In Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (eds.). Shakespeare on Screen: Othello. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge UP. 1-62. [Capítulo revisado y ampliado con carácter anual según se estipula en el contrato de la editorial.] Díaz Fernández, José Ramón. 2015. "Othello on Screen: Select Film-Bibliography". In Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (eds.). Shakespeare on Screen: Othello. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge UP. 212-234. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2015. Review of Rutkowska, Hanna. (2013), Orthographic Systems in Thirteen Editions of the Kalender of Sheperdes (1506-1656). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Spenser Review 45.2. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2015. "Estudio sincrónico de colocaciones equivalentes a verbos del campo semántico de la visión en lengua inglesa". In G. Conde Tarrío, P. Mogorrón Huerta, M. Martí Sánchez and D. Prieto García-Seco (eds.). Enfoques actuales para la traducción fraseológica y paremiológica: ámbitos, recursos y modalidades. Biblioteca fraseológica y paremiológica 6. Madrid: Centro Virtual Cervantes (Instituto Cervantes). 35-43. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2015. Use of English for Advanced Learners: Word Formation and Fill-in-the-Blanks. Murcia: Diego Marín. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2015. "The Middle English Circa instans: A Pharmacopoeia from GUL MS Hunter 307". Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research 59.1: 29-60. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2015. "Two Middle English Texts in the Light of the Malaga POS Tagger of Middle English". In J. C. Conde Silvestre and J. Calle Martín (eds.). Approaches to Middle English. Contact, Variation and Change. Bern: Peter Lang. 149-159. Martín González, Juan José. 2015. "Dark (neo)Victorians: Race and the Empire in Belinda Starling's The Journal of Dora Damage and Barbara Chase-Riboud's Hottentot Venus". In Alberto Lázaro Lafuente and María Dolores Porto Requejo (eds.). English and American Studies in Spain. New Developments and Trends. Proceedings of the 38th AEDEAN Conference. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá. 113-120. Moreno-Olalla, David. 2015. "Is plant species identification possible in Middle English herbals?". In Britt Erman, Gunnel Melchers, Philip Shaw and Peter Sundkvist (eds.). From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English Language Yesterday and Today. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. 53–70. Muñoz Luna, Rosa. 2015. "Main Ingredients for Success in L2 Academic Writing: Outlining, Drafting and Proofreading". Plos One 10.6: 1-15. Payá Guerrero, Maravillas and Laura Esteban Segura. 2015. "EFL Vocabulary Acquisition: Narrow Reading versus Reading plus Vocabulary-Enhancement Activities. A Case Study with Spanish Secondary School Students". Porta Linguarum 24: 93-105. Salles Bernal, Soluna. 2015. "Synchronic Analysis of the Progressive Aspect in Three Varieties of Asian Englishes". Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 51: 87-107. |
2014 Arias, Rosario (ed.). 2014. Spiritualism, Science and Technology. Volume 3. In Patricia Pulham, Christine Ferguson, Rosario Arias, and Tatiana Kontou (eds.). Spiritualism, 1840-1930. London and New York: Routledge. Arias, Rosario. 2014. "Introduction". Volume 3. In Patricia Pulham, Christine Ferguson, Rosario Arias, and Tatiana Kontou (eds.). Spiritualism, 1840-1930. London and New York: Routledge. Arias, Rosario. 2014. "Exoticising the Tudors: Hilary Mantel's Re-appropriation of the Past in Wolf Hall (2009) and Bring Up the Bodies (2012)". In Elodie Rousselot (ed.). Exoticizing the Past in Contemporary Neo-Historical Fiction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 19-36. Calle-Martín, Javier. 2014. "The Late Middle English Version of Practica Urinarum in London, Wellcome Library, MS 537 (ff. 15r-40v)". In Philip Shaw, Britt Erman, Gunnel Melchers and Peter Sundkvist (eds.). From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English Language Yestarday and Today. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. 35-52. Calle-Martín, Javier y Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. 2014. "A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Zero that-clauses in Late Middle English". In Michael Bilynsky (ed.). Studies in Middle English: Words, Forms, Senses and Texts. Frankfurt and Main: Peter Lang. 119-133. Calle-Martín, Javier. 2014. "On the History of the Intensifier wonder in English". Australian Journal of Linguistics 34.3: 356-376. Calle-Martín, Javier and Jesús Romero-Barranco. 2014. "On the Use of the Split Infinitive in the Asian Varieties of English". Nordic Journal of English Studies 13.1: 129-146. Calle-Martín, Javier and Jesús Romero-Barranco. 2014. "On the Use of that/zero as Object Clause Links in Early English Medical Writing". Studia Neophilologica 86.1: 1-16. Castillo, Concha. 2014. "On the trigger of V-to-T movement". Miscelánea. A Journal of English and American Studies 49: 29-51. Castillo, Concha. 2014. "On the licensing of finite T". In Proceedings of 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Poznan: Adam Mickiewicz University. Castillo, Concha & Ana Isabel Martín Doña. 2014. "On nominative Case, the D-feature on T, and locative inversion". In Actas del XXXVIII Congreso de AEDEAN. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. Cómitre Narváez, Isabel y Valverde Zambrana, José María. 2014. "How to translate culture-specific items: a case study of tourist promotion campaign by Turespaña". JoSTrans 21. Cruz Rus, Celia and Juan José Martín González. 2014. "Conference Report. Transactions and Connections: Memories of the Past in the European Context". The European English Messenger 23.1: 65-69. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2014. "The Dialectal Provenance of London, Wellcome Library, MS 5262". Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 49.3: 79-90. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2014. "Translating and Glossing Nouns in the Old English Gospels: A Contrastive Study". Nordic Journal of English Studies 13.1: 33-52. González Campos, Miguel Ángel. 2014. "'How fortunate we are indeed to have such a poet on these shores': Shakespeare, Monty Python and the Tradition of the Wise Fool". In Tomasz Dobrogoszcz (ed.), Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition: Cultural Contexts in Monty Python. Lanham (Maryland): Rowman & Littlefield. Jurado-Navas, A., Muñoz-Luna, R. y Taillefer, L. 2014. "Scrum Methodology in University Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Academia and the Business World". En Javier Rodríguez Torres (ed.). Experiencias en la adaptación al EEES. Madrid: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España. Lara-Rallo, Carmen. 2014. "Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English, de Jorge Sacido". Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 36.1: 179-83. Martín González, Juan José and Celia Cruz Rus. 2014. "Conference Report. Transactions and Connections: Memories of the Past in the European Context". The European English Messenger 23.1: 65-69. Muñoz Luna, Rosa. 2014. "From drills to CLIL: the paradigmatic and methodological evolution towards the integration of content and foreign language". Profile Journal 16.1: 167-180. Muñoz Luna, Rosa y Taillefer, Lidia. 2014. "A Mathematical Model for Academic Genre Awareness: Writer's Metalinguistic Knowledge in English L2 Writing". Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada RESLA 27.2: 469-491. Muñoz Luna, Rosa y Lidia Taillefer de Haya. 2014. "Análisis de habilidades de lectoescritura y de hábitos de estudio en inglés como L2". Porta Linguarum 22. Muñoz Luna, Rosa, Antonio Jurado Navas y Lidia Taillefer de Haya. 2014. "Spectral study with automatic formant extraction to improve non-native pronunciation of English vowels". In J. Awrejcewicz (ed.). Project: Computational and Numerical Simulations. Rijeka, Croacia: InTech. Muñoz-Luna, Rosa, Taillefer, Lidia y Jurado Navas, Ana. 2014. "Increasing Learning in an Agile Environment: Transferring Scrum Methodology from Business World to Academia". En David Caldevilla Domínguez (ed.). Actas del Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la Comunicación en la Profesión y en la Universidad de hoy: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 22 y 23 de octubre de 2014). Madrid: Fórum XXI. Muñoz-Luna, Rosa y Taillefer, Lidia. 2014. "A Mathematical Model for Academic Genre Awareness: Writer's Metalinguistic Knowledge in English L2 Writing". Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada RESLA 27.2: 469-491. Muñoz-Valdivieso, Sofía. 2014. "Review of Eva Ulrike Pirker's Narrative Projections of a Black British History (2011)". Journal for the Study of British Cultures 21: 101-104. Perles Rochel, Juan A. 2014. "Testimonios Etnográficos en Death Other Kingdom (El otro reino de la muerte/Málaga en Llamas) de Gamel Woolsey". Revista Surco Sur 6. Taillefer, L. & Muñoz-Luna, R. 2014. "Middle English Translation: Discursive Fields According to Social Class and Gender". Women's Studies International Forum 42: 61-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.wsif.2013.06.006 Taillefer, L. & Muñoz-Luna, R. 2014. "Análisis de habilidades de lectoescritura y de hábitos de estudio en inglés como L2". Porta Linguarum 22. Taillefer, Lidia y Muñoz-Luna, Rosa. 2014. "Developing Oral Skills through Skype: A Language Project Analysis". Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences (4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching & Educational Leadership) (Universidad de Barcelona, 27-29 de octubre de 2013). 141: 260-264. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.05.045. Verdejo Segura, M.ª del Mar. 2014. "Las traducciones al español de El utilitarismo en el siglo XIX: la versión de Aureliano González Toledo vs. la versión de Antonio Zozaya". 1611: Revista de historia de la traducción 8: 1-11. |
2013 Arias, Rosario. 2013. "Personal Trauma, Romance and Ghostly Traces in Justine Picardie's Daphne". In Jean-Michel Ganteau and Susana Onega (eds.). Traumatic Realism and Romance in Contemporary British Narrative. London and New York: Routledge. 74-101. Arias, Rosario, Miriam López Rodríguez, Antonio Moreno and Chantal Pérez Hernández (eds.). 2013. Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain. Depto. de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana y AEDEAN: Universidad de Málaga. Arias, Rosario, Marta Cerezo Moreno, Margarita Estévez Saá, and Ana I. Zamorano. 2013. "Memory, History and Identity in Contemporary Fiction and Memoir". Mesa redonda AEDEAN. In Rosario Arias, Miriam López, Antonio Moreno y Chantal Pérez (eds.). Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain. Málaga: Depto. de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana, Universidad de Málaga. Calle-Martín, Javier and Jesús Romero-Barranco. 2013. "The Middle English Version of The Book of Nativities in London, Wellcome Library, MS Wellcome 411 (ff. 9v-18v)". Analecta Malacitana 36.1-2: 307-346. Calle-Martín, Javier and Miguel Ángel Castaño-Gil. 2013. A Late Middle English Remedybook (MS Wellcome 542, ff. 1r-20v). A Scholarly Edition. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford and Wien: Peter Lang. Calle-Martín, Javier. 2013. "A Middle English Version of The Doom of Urines in MS Rawlinson C. 81, ff. 6r-12v". Analecta Malacitana 35: 243-274. Calle Martín, Javier, Laura Esteban Segura, Teresa Marqués Aguado and Antonio Miranda García. 2013. "The Reference Corpus of Late Middle English Scientific Prose". In J. Jancsary (ed.). 11th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012. Vienna: ÖCAI. 424-432. Castillo, Concha. 2013. "On past participle agreement". In Daniel García Velasco et al. (eds.). A Life in Language. Estudios en Homenaje al Prof. José Luis González. Oviedo: Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo. 73-107. Cómitre Narváez, Isabel y Valverde Zambrana, José María. 2013. "Intercultural Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning". International Humanities Studies 1.1. Díaz Fernández, José Ramón. 2013. "Macbeth on Screen: An Annotated Filmo-Bibliography". In Sarah Hatchuel, Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin and Victoria Bladen (eds.). Shakespeare on Screen: Macbeth. Rouen: Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre. 431-513. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2013. "A Diachronic Study of the Prepositions among and amongst". Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 2: 93-107. Esteban Segura, Laura. 2013. "Some Notes on London, Wellcome Library, MS 5262". In R. Arias, M. López, A. Moreno and C. Pérez (eds.). Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain. Málaga: Depto. de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana, Universidad de Málaga. 215-220. Esteban Segura, Laura and Teresa Marqués Aguado. 2013. "New Software Tools for the Analysis of Computerized Historical Corpora: GUL MSS Hunter 509 and 513 in the Light of TexSEn". In V. Gillespie and A. Hudson (eds.). Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the Twenty-First Century. Turnhout: Brepols. 405-426. Griffith, Mary. 2013. "Identity and Tragedy in Roth's The Human Stain". Analecta Malacitana. XXXVI.1-2: 197-220. Lara-Rallo, Carmen. 2013. "Intertextual and Relational Echoes in Contemporary British Short Fiction". Il Confronto Letterario 60 sup.: 119-133. Martín González, Juan José. 2013. "Sweeney Todd: Adapting a Victorian Urban Legend". In Rosario Arias, Miriam López, Antonio Moreno y Chantal Pérez (eds.). Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain. Depto. de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana: Universidad de Málaga. 123-128. Moreno-Olalla, David. 2013. "A plea for ME botanical synonyma". In Vincent Gillespie & Anne Hudson (eds.). Probable Truth: Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the Twenty-first Century. Tournhout: Brepols. 387–404. Moreno-Olalla, David. 2013. "The textual transmission of the Northern Macer tradition". English Studies 94.8. 931–957 Moreno-Olalla, David. 2013. "The scribal formula Heu male finivi quia scribere non bene scivi." Scriptorium 67.1. 144–174. Muñoz Luna, Rosa. 2013. ¿Cómo escriben los universitarios en inglés? Claves lingüísticas y de pensamiento. Sevilla: Thémata. Muñoz-Valdivieso, Sofía. 2013. "From Messina to Delhi: Much ado about Staging Global Shakespeares in Oympic Times". SEDERI: Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society of Renaissance Studies 23: 57-78. Narbona Carrión, María Dolores. 2013. "Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1815-1911) y la inclusión de la mujer victoriana en el ámbito laboral norteamericano". En Rocío Palomares Perraut (coord.). Historia(s) de mujeres en homenaje a M.ª Teresa López Beltrán. Málaga: Perséfone. Ediciones electrónicas de la AEHM/UMA. I: 194-221. Narbona Carrión, María Dolores. 2013. "La excepción que confirma la regla: La originalidad de South Park (también) con respecto al tema del terrorismo y sus efectos". En Marta Fernández Morales (ed.). La década del miedo. Dramaturgias audiovisuales post-11 de septiembre. Berna, Berlín, Bruselas, Frankfort del Meno, Nueva York, Oxford y Viena: Peter Lang. 329-364. Ozieblo, Barbara. 2013. "The Value of Home: Susan Glasepll’s Fugitiv’es Return as a response to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby". Lorenz, Paul and Roessel, David eds. Americans and the Experience of Delphi. Boston, MA: Somerset Hall Press, 119-144. Ramírez-Arlandi, Juan. 2013. "Matricial norms in the light of source-language materials, translated texts and indirect translations: a case-study". In Emilio Ortega-Arjonilla (dir.), Giovanni Caprara, Isabel Martínez-Robledo y Enriqueta Tijeras-López (eds.). Translating culture – Traduire la culture – Traducir la cultura. Granada: Comares. 1291-1312. Romero Ruiz, Maria Isabel. 2013. "Sex-trafficking and Migration". In Inmanuel Ness (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration 5. Malden, USA: Blackwell Publishing. Romero Ruiz, Maria Isabel. 2013. "Challenging masculinity and femininity in recent Anglophone texts: an insight into how literature and film are looking at gender abuse". In Rosario Arias Doblas, Miriam López Rodríguez y Chantal Pérez Hernández (eds.). Actas del 36.º Congreso de AEDEAN: Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga. Romero Ruiz, Maria Isabel. 2013. "La prostitución victoriana y la prostitución actual: una comparación entre dos formas de explotación sexual femenina". In Rocío Palomares Perraut (coord.). Historia(s) de Mujeres en Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López Beltrán I. Málaga: Perséfone. Ediciones electrónicas de la AEHM/UMA. Romero Ruiz, Maria Isabel. 2013. "Identity and Gender Policy: The London Lock Annual Reports, 1833-1837". In Mateos-Aparicio Martín-Albo y Eduardo de Gregorio-Godeo (eds.). Culture and Power: Identity and Identification. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Romero Ruiz, Maria Isabel. 2013. "The Hottentot Venus, Freak Shows and the Neo-Victorian: Rewriting the Identity of the Sexual Black Body", Revista de Estudios Ingleses Odisea 14. Romero Ruiz, Maria Isabel. 2013. "Transnational poetics: Asian Canadian women’s fiction of the 1990s, de Pilar Cuder-Domínguez, Belén Martín-Lucas and Sonia Villegas-López, Toronto y Ontario, Tsar, 2011". Journal of Postcolonial Writing 49.3. Taillefer, L. & Muñoz-Luna, R. 2013. Glosarios multilingües de lingüística / Multilingual Glossaries on Linguistics / Glossaires Multilingues de Terminologie Linguistique. Málaga: V-G Ediciones – Fundación Alonso Quijano. Taillefer, L. & Muñoz-Luna, R. 2013. "Technology Implementation in Language Teaching (TILT): Analysis of ICTs in Teaching English as a Foreign Language". The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies: A Section of The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 7.1: 97-104. Taillefer, L. 2013. "Prólogo". Muñoz-Molina, R. El humor en la enseñanza del inglés. Málaga: Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas-Ediciones Electrónicas. Taillefer, L. 2013. "AILA Research Network: Academic writing in English as a foreign language". International Journal of Applied Linguistics 23.1: 120. DOI: 10.1111/ijal.12011_4. |
2012 Arias, Rosario. 2012. "'Aren't You Haunted by All This Recurrence?': Spectral Traces of Traumatized Childhood(s) in Doris Lessing's The Sweetest Dream". Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 53.4: 355-365. DOI: 10.1080/00111619.2010.500315. Arias, Rosario. 2012. "Reseña de El sustrato cultural de la violencia de género. Literatura, arte, cine y videojuegos. Coord. Ángeles de la Concha. Madrid: Síntesis, 2010". Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 46: 125-130. Calle-Martín, Javier and David-Moreno-Olalla. 2012. "Body of Evidence: of Middle English Annotated Corpora and Dialect Atlases". In Laura Wright and Richard Dance (eds.). The Use and Development of Middle English. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Middle English, Cambridge 2008. Bern - Berlin - Bruxelles - Frankfurt am main - New York: Peter Lang AG. 17-34. Calle-Martín, Javier. 2012. "On the Decline of Unsupported Negative Adverb ne in Middle English". In Javier Martín Arista et al. (eds.). Convergent Approaches to Mediaeval English Language and Literature: Selected Papers from the 22nd Conference of SELIM. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 89-102. Calle-Martín, Javier and Antonio Miranda-García. 2012. "Annotating the Corpus of The Federalist Papers: A Resource for Attributing Authorship". In Nila Vázquez (ed.). Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 165-177. Calle-Martín, Javier and Antonio Miranda-García. 2012. The Middle English Version of De Viribus Herbarum (GUL MS Hunter 497, ff. 1r-92r). Edition and Philological Study. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford and Wien: Peter Lang. Calle-Martín, Javier and Antonio Miranda-García. 2012. "Stylometry and Authorship Attribution: Introduction to the Special Issue". English Studies93.3: 251-258. Calle Martín, Javier, Laura Esteban Segura, Teresa Marqués Aguado and Antonio Miranda García. 2012. 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2010 Arias, Rosario and Patricia Pulham (eds.). 2010. Haunting and Spectrality in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Possessing the Past. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. Arias, Rosario and Patricia Pulham. 2010. "Introduction". In Rosario Arias and Patricia Pulham (eds.). Haunting and Spectrality in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Possessing the Past. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. xi-xxvi. Arias, Rosario. 2010. "Haunted Places, Haunted Spaces: The Spectral Return of Victorian London in Neo-Victorian Fiction". In Rosario Arias and Patricia Pulham (eds.). Haunting and Spectrality in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Possessing the Past. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmilla. 133-156. Arias, Rosario, Carmen Lara Rallo y Laura Lojo. 2010. "La conceptualización visual de la intertextualidad: el palimpsesto". Actas del XXXIII Congreso de AEDEAN. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz. CD-ROM. Arias, Rosario. 2010. 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