Recommended profile
The recommended access profile for the PhD program in Advanced Biotechnology considers the following aspects, which are considered adequate, although they are not necessarily obligatory or exclusive:
(a) Typology of degrees: degrees with greater affinity to the general focus of the program are considered to be those of B.Sc./D.Sc. in Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine, Biomedicine, Chemistry, Agricultural Engineers, and Chemical Engineers. In a second level of affinity, other degrees related to Life Sciences and Health Sciences are considered, as well as other Higher Engineering Degrees, especially Bioengineering and Health Sciences.
(b) It is considered advisable to have previous experience in laboratory or other experimental fields related to the research developed by the lines and teams that integrate the program, beyond the development of practical teaching included in the degree provided for access to the program. This previous experience refers, for example, to participation as an internal student in a research group during the degree, pre-doctoral stays in public or private research centers, professional experience in companies that develop R&D in subjects related to the research associated with the program.
(c) A command of the English language equivalent to a B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is considered advisable, without the presentation of an official accrediting qualification being a requirement for access, and may be determined by personal interview or test carried out for this purpose.