Each academic year, doctoral students will be evaluated by the following Monitoring Committees.
Academic year 2013/14
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2013/2014 academic year and in the 2023/2024 academic year:
Committee 1: No students assigned
Committee 2
• President: María Rubio Misas
• Member: Sebastián Molinillo Jiménez
• Secretary: Salvador Perez Moreno
- Martín García, Manuel
- Ortiz Moya, César Augusto
- Renganathan, Kishhanth
Academic year 2014/15
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2014/2015 academic year and in the 2023/2024 academic year:
Committee 1: No students assigned
Committee 2
• President: Oscar David Marcenaro Gutiérrez
• Member: Cristina Quintana García
• Secretary: Julián Molina Luque
- Gómez Ortiz, Beatriz
- Pili, Andrea
- Serrano Doblas, Juan Antonio
Academic year 2015/16
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2015/2016 academic year and in the 2023/2024 academic year:
Committee 1: No students assigned
Committee 2
• President: Pablo Amorós González
• Member: Mª del Mar Muñoz Martos
• Secretary: Rafael Moreno Ruiz
- Hidalgo, Paloma
- Raji, Mouna
- Romero Charneco, María
- Ureña Bautista, Nicolás
Academic year 2016/17
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2016/2017 academic year and in the 2023/2024 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Beatriz Rodríguez Díaz
• Member: Miguel Ángel Ropero García
• Secretary: Ana María Casado Molina
- Maldonado, Luis Alfonso
- Martín, Ana
- Pérez Bernal, Francisco Miguel
Committee 2
• President: Antonio Caparrós Ruiz
• Member: María Rubio Misas
• Secretary: Miguel Ángel Durán Muñoz
- Alba Fuerte, Isabel
- Ruiz Delgado, Marta
- Thinizhañay Peralta, José Paul
Academic year 2017/18
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2017/2018 academic year and in the 2023/2024 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Mariano Luque Gallego
• Member: Pilar Alarcón Urbistondo
• Secretary: Socorro Puy Segura
- Puga Narváez, Celio
- Valdés Elizalde, Sixto
Committee 2
• President: José Luis Torres Chacón
• Member: Bárbara Díaz Díez
• Secretary: Mercedes Rodríguez Fernández
- Barboucha, Nabil
- Jiménez Pérez, Sonsoles
Academic year 2018/19
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2018/2019 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Rafael Caballero Fernández
• Member: Pablo Podadera Rivera
• Secretary: Aurora Garrido Moreno
- Montes Caparrós, Ana Patricia
- Ortega González, Cristina
- Román Tirado, Alejandro
- Salazar Pico, Francisco de Asís
Committee 2
• President: Ana Lozano Vivas
• Member: Mª Luz González Álvarez
• Secretary: Germán Gémar Castillo
- Díaz Casquero, Álvaro
- García Briasco, José Luis
- Martín Fuentes, Natalia
Academic year 2019/20
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2019/2020 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Ricardo Pagán Rodríguez
• Member: Carmina Jambrino Maldonado
• Secretary: Fátima Pérez García
- Jiménez Rodríguez, Olga María
- Khamis Gutiérrez, Nadia
- Lastre Sierra, Hassir Elías
- Marfil Cotilla, Marina
- Pérez García, María de los Remedios
- Sierra Martín, Mario
- Vukanovic, Varvara
Committee 2
• President: Elena Bárcena Martín
• Member: Marta Ortega Gaspar
• Secretary: Mª José Quero Gervilla
- Campos Valenzuela, Marta
- De las Heras Jambrino, Carlos
- Fernández Rodero, Pedro Manuel
- Palomas Gómez, Amalia Virginia
- Pérez Benítez, María Virginia
- Quijano Herrera, Jéssica Lissette
Academic year 2020/21
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2020/2021 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Rafael Ventura Fernández
• Member: Elena Ruiz Romero de la Cruz
• Secretary: Ismael Rodríguez Lara
- Díaz Barraza, Pablo
- Fredyna, Taras
- Gil González, Manuel Cayetano
- Molina García, Antonio
- Peregrina Mila, María Isabel
- Rebolledo Toro, Edgar
- Ricciolini, Elena
Committee 2
• President: Julio Diéguez Soto
• Member: Pilar López Delgado
• Secretary: Mercedes Rojas de Gracia
- Blancas Benítez, Alep Airamara
- Caballero Galeote, Lidia
- Cruz Ruiz, Elena de los Reyes
- Illescas Estévez, Mª Eladia
- Merino Bellido, Juan Manuel
- Pérez Soriano, Beatriz
- Rodríguez Cívico, Rocío
- Zamarreño Aramendia, Gorka
Academic year 2021/22
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2021/2022 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Antonio Morales Siles
• Member: Rafael Anaya Sánchez
• Secretary: Ana Lucia Casademunt
- Benbrahim, Mohamed Reda
- Cardona Soriano, Juan
- García-Manrique Ocaña, Ignacio
- González Pérez, Víctor Modesto
- Peralta González, Aurea
- Roldán Rodríguez, Felipe David
- Salafranca Vázquez, Déborah
- Vizarreta Pimentel, Miguel Ángel
Committee 2
• President: Manuel Ángel Fernández Gámez
• Member: Francisco Rejón Guardia
• Secretary: Francisco Javiero Rodero Cosano
- Aleshina, Sofia
- Cristófol Rodríguez, Francisco Javier
- González Senent, Jesús
- Liarte Vejrup, Nicolás
- Lobato López, Sergio
- Nadales Gallego, Alejandra
- Quintana Gutiérrez, Guadalupe
- Shi, Chunyang
Academic year 2022/23
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2022/2023 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Juan Antonio Campos Soria
• Member: Alberto López Toro
• Secretary: Ana Belén Ruiz Mora
- Albarracín Pons, Isaac
- García García, Elena
- González de Molina Toré, María Mercedes
- Jiménez Vinuesa, Chal
- Kouni Bader, Hatem
- Luzi, Marco
- Muñoz Fernández, Ana
- Ogayar Sanchiz, David
- Pintor Anaya, Juan Luis
- Plaza Macías, María
- Saavedra Camargo, Janeth Alejandra
- Serralvo Aranda, Carolina
- Suleymanov, Turan
Committee 2
• President: José Manuel Cabello González
• Member: Elvira Maeso González
• Secretary: Benedetto Molinari
- Aljalahma, Jaber
- Barroso Pedrosa, Úrsula Fernanda
- Hashim, Alhammadi
- Martín Sierra, Bonifacio
- Mena Siles, David
- Nadales Luque, Marina
- Ríos Fernández, Francisco Javier
- Santiago Martín, Víctor
- Tejerina Rodríguez, Ofelia
- Toré Marín, Antonio Fernando
- Torres Téllez, Jonathan
- Villace Fernández, Carlos
- Zagni Zagni, Luca Matteo
Curso 2023/24
Composition of the monitoring committees for students who enrolled for the first time in the Doctoral Program in the 2023/2024 academic year:
Committee 1
• President: Elena del Rey Canteli
• Member: Luis Gautier
• Secretary: Guillermo J. Bermúdez González
- Algar Partida, María
- Arciga Color, Carolina
- Casermeiro Corpas, Yolanda
- Prifti, Ajvi
- Ramos Pombo, Diogo
Committee 2
• President: Dolors Berga Colom
• Member: Javier Pérez
• Secretary: Patricia Pilar Iglesias Sánchez
- Hasan, Gohdar
- Leone Parera, Julián Gabriel
- Moreno Chincoa, Natividad
- Morilla García, Fernando
- Obinna, Okereke