
Doctoral Program Alumni

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Hugo Nicolás Acosta González

Aggregate Professor y Vicedecano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.


Fernando Noel Aguilar Vijande


David Alaminos Aguilera

Currently enrolled in the PhD Program of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Efficiency of the University of Málaga.


Nancy Maribel Arratia Martínez

Currently a Lecturer at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla, in Puebla, México.


Antonio Jesús Ávila Cano

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory and History of the University of Málaga


Paulina Alejandra Ávila Torres

Currently works as an Engineer for Praxair México.


Aitor Barañono Abasolo

IMQ Seguros Technical Director and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of the Basque Country.

Beatriz Benítez Aurioles

Substitute teacher at the Department of Applied Economics (Public Finance, Economic Policy and Political Economy) of the University of Malaga.


María del Carmen Blanco Arana

Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Economics (Public Finance, Economic Policy and Political Economy) of the University of Malaga.


Carmen Dolores Blázquez Puerta

Agencia de Servicios Sociales y Dependencia. Junta de Andalucía, Málaga.


Jordi Caballé Valls

Partner and consultant at Ports & Logistics Advisory (PLA), Malaga.


Marta Campos Valenzuela

Substitute teacher at the Department of Finance and Accounting of the University of Malaga.


Gisela Casado Salguero


Patricia Chica Morales

Researcher at the Oriental Asia Studies Area of the University of Málaga.


Guadalupe Correa Lopera

Holder of post-doctoral grant depending of a national research project.


Laura Delgado Antequera

Substitute teacher at the Department of Applied Economics (Mathematics) of the University of Málaga.


Samira El Gibari Ben Said

Postdoctoral contract at the Department of Applied Economics (Mathematics) of the University of Malaga.


Ignacio Esteban Labrador

Substitute teacher at the Department of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Malaga.


Anna Garashchuk

Substitute teacher at the Department of Applied Economics (Public Finance, Economic Policy and Political Economy) of the University of Malaga.


José Mª García de Diego

Currently a temporary Interim Lecturer in the Department of National Law and Sociology of the University of Málaga. 


Francisca García Pardo

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics (Statistics and Econometrics) of the University of Málaga.


Mª del Carmen García Peña

Managing Director of the CIEDES Foundation (Malaga Centre for Strategic Research and Economic and Social Development) and Substitute teacher at the Department of Applied Economics (Public Finance, Economic Policy and Political Economy) of the University of Malaga.


Aurora M. García Vallejo

Substitute teacher at the Department of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Malaga.


Pablo Gemar Castillo

Currently Unicaja branch manager.


Ana Isabel González Fernández

Substitute teacher at the Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Malaga.


Sandra González Gallardo

Researcher at the Departament of Applied Economics (Mathematics) of the University of Malaga.


José Luis González Porras

General Director at iWorld Cambio S.A. and Visiting Professor at Les Roches Global Hospitality Education.


Mª Ángeles Jurado Caraballo

Researcher at the Department of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Malaga.


Sergey Kazakov

Associate professor, Marketing department and «Experience economy: hospitality and tourism management» master program leader at Graduate Business School, division of Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation.


María Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez

Currently has a contract as Predoctoral Research Staff in Training at the University of Malaga.


Elena Victoria Lasso de la Vega Alarcón

Situación actual:  Contrato puente en la Universidad de Málaga.


Luis Alejandro López Agudo

Currently has a Postdoctoral Contract funded by the University of Malaga.


Natalia Martín Fuentes

Contracted by the European Central Bank.


Sofía Louise Martínez Martínez

Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Malaga, researcher at the Chair of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Lecturer in Business.


Francisco Martos Barrachina

Substitute teacher at the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Statistics and Operations Research, and Applied Mathematics at the University of Malaga.


Samuel Medina Claros

Substitute teacher at the Department of Applied Economics (Public Finance, Economic Policy and Political Economy) of the University of Malaga.


Daniel Megía Cayuela

Substitute teacher at the Department  of Economic Theory and History of the University of Málaga.


Ana Mª Moniche Bermejo

Senior Data Analyst, Head of the Area of ​​European Projects and International Networks, Public Tourism and Sports Company of Andalusia.


Fernando Jésus Navarro Lucena

Substitute teacher at the Department of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Malaga.


Ana Mª Negrón González

Human Resources Consultant at GMintegra, A Securex Group Company.


José Manuel Núñez Sánchez

Chief Marketing Officer & Development Manager en O2 Centro Wellness. Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Malaga. Founding member of the World Happiness Foundation.


Carla Oliveira Henriques

Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal).


Lourdes del Carmen Pineda Celaya

Teacher at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (Mexico); Consultant in the development of productive projects in Redes Sociales para el Desarrollo, A.C. (REDDES), and Researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) (Mexico).


Claudia Prieto Latorre

Research contract at the Department of Applied Economics (Statistics and Econometrics) of the University of Málaga.


Mª del Pino Ramos Sosa

Currently an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía.


Mª del Carmen Rey Merchán

Technical teacher of Vocational Training. Malaga.


Miguel Ángel Ruiz Reina

Substitute teacher at the Department of Economic Theory and History (Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Area) of the University of Malaga.


 Mª Belén Salas Compas

Substitute teacher at the Department of Finance and Accounting of the University of Málaga.


Antonio Sánchez Bayón

Assistant Professor (Interim) at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.


Ismael Pablo Soler García

Substitute teacher at the Department of Applied Economics (Statistics and Econometrics) of the University of Málaga.


Mariano Soler Porta

Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting and Management of the University of Malaga.


Macarena Torroba Díaz

Substitute teacher at the Department of Finance and Accounting ot the University of Malaga. 


Luis Patricio Vallejo Rosero

Active duty military in the Ecuadorian Air Force. Executive Director of the Aeronautical Industry Directorate of the Ecuadorian Air Force.


Murilo Vidal Branco

Lecturer at Marbella International University Centre and the University of Gibraltar and Startup Advisor at Ufounders.


JCR papers derived from the theses read in the Program

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