Doctoral Program in Economics and Business
Throughout its history, the University of Malaga’s Faculty of Economics and Business Studies and the School of Managerial Studies –currently the Faculty of Commerce and Management- have had different PhD programs. The current Doctoral Program in Economics and Business [Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa] was created by Royal Decree 99/2011 on the basis of the experience acquired from the former programs, bringing together all the human capital available in order to have an outstanding academic program.
Lines of Research:
- Efficient Decisions in Economics and Business
- Development, Growth, Productivity and Sustainability
- Welfare, Political Economy and Social Networks
- Markets, Strategic Behavior, Strategic Planning and Business Innovation
- Sectoral Economics
Webpage of the program:
Academic coordinator: Dr. Bernardo Moreno Jiménez
Official Information:
- Resolution of the Council of Universities – Positive Verificacion: 23/07/2013 [Consejo de Universidades –Verificación Positiva-: 23/07/2013]
- Authorization given by the Andalusian Regional Government: Decree 83/2013 of 16th July 2013. B.O.J.A. [official regional gazette] 18 July 2013. [Junta de Andalucía: Decreto 83/2013 de 16 de Julio 2013. B.O.J.A. 18 de julio 2013]
- PhD offered since: 2013/2014
Doctorate School of the University of Málaga: Follow this link for general information, regarding PhD programs, of the University of Málaga.