Evaluation Panels
Doctoral Programme Advanced Studies in Humanities
Specialisations in History, Art, Philosophy and Ancient Sciences
Evaluation Panels
Monitoring of Thesis Formation and Development
1. The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Advanced Studies in Humanities will periodically appoint, for each line of research, a full board and an alternate board to monitor doctoral students. It will take into account the four main specialities that make up the programme: History, Art, Philosophy and. Ancient Sciences. The panel will be made up of three lecturers from the Doctoral Programme, one of whom will act as Chair and the other as Secretary.
2. As far as possible, in each line of research, the panel will initially be made up of the researcher with the most number of six-year terms on the doctoral programme, who will act as chairperson; the person who has supervised the most theses, will act as a member; and the youngest, will act as secretary. In the event of a tie between two possible members, a decision will be made by drawing lots between the two. As substitutes, the members of the panel who have formed part of the panel in its previous composition will be chosen. In the event that any of the persons coincide (for example, if the person with the most six-year terms is also the person who has supervised the most theses), the person immediately following will be chosen in accordance with the order established for each person (number of six-year terms, number of theses and age). In the event of a tie between two possible candidates, a decision will be made by drawing lots between the two.
3. The panels shall be appointed for a period of three academic years, after which they shall be renewed in their entirety, the outgoing members being excluded from the selection process for the following academic years. The evaluation panel shall convene two assessment sessions per year, approximately once every six months, at which students may present themselves for assessment. The members of the evaluation panel may not judge students they tutor or whose theses they supervise. In such cases, the corresponding substitutes will participate.
4. The assessment criteria used by the evaluation panel will be those defined by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Advanced Studies in Humanities for each of the three years of thesis development, which must also have been approved by the Postgraduate Committee of the University of Malaga. The information on these criteria will be made public, will be posted on the Programme's website and will form part of the Documentary Commitment to Supervision that students sign when they enrol. These criteria must guarantee that doctoral students can make reasonable progress in the process of achieving the merits required by the Doctoral Programme for the defence of their thesis.
5. Each evaluation panel will evaluate, on the basis of the Activity Document of each doctoral student, as well as the reports issued for this purpose by the tutor and the thesis supervisor, at least the following aspects:
a) Progress of the thesis work with respect to the proposed Research Plan.
b) Scientific production to date (results, publications, etc.).
c) Stays and research visits, presentations at scientific meetings (congresses or conferences, workshops, seminars).
d) Completion of training activities and training complements.
e) Any other activity or subject considered relevant.
f) General assessment.
6. In the evaluation of the first year, the Research Plan and the Doctoral Thesis Project submitted by the PhD student will be assessed. Further information can be found in the section Guide to Procedures and in the section Assignment of Tutors and Thesis Mentors-Supervisors. If the evaluation panel rejects the project, the student will have a second opportunity to modify it and present it in the next evaluation period, for which purpose a new Research Plan must be drawn up. If the project is rejected a second time, the PhD student will be definitively withdrawn from the programme, which may be appealed against before the Postgraduate Commission of the University of Malaga.
7. In addition to judging the progress of the PhD student and the development of their research plan, each panel will make recommendations and suggestions to improve the thesis work and the evolution of the PhD student's research training. The examining panel will sign an evaluation report, which will be recorded in the Activity Document of each student on the doctoral programme.
8. As of the September 2015 evaluation, the procedure will be regulated by the Agreement of the Postgraduate Commission of the University of Malaga, 9th April 2015, which in its second section reads as follows:
Second. The academic committees of the doctoral programmes shall establish the specific timetable for the annual assessment of doctoral students, in accordance with the following time frames:
— Doctoral students enrolled for the first time on the programme in the first phase of enrollment (October) shall be subject to annual assessment in September or October of the year following the year in which they enrolled. If they do not take part in the aforementioned assessment, or do not pass it, they may take part in a second assessment in the following March or April.
— Doctoral students enrolled for the first time on the programme in the second phase of enrollment (February or March) must undergo an annual assessment in March or April of the year following the year in which they enrolled. If they do not take part in the aforementioned assessment, or do not pass it, they may take part in a second assessment, to be held in the following September or October.
— After the first annual assessment, doctoral students must submit their progress to successive annual assessments, within the same time frames established in the previous sections.
The entire Assessment Process (application for assessment, reports from tutors / mentors-supervisors, assessment by the panels and marking) is carried out through the DAD platform and is therefore not face-to-face.
Examining Panels from the Academic Year 2018/2019 (onwards)
Line 1 Identities, Power and Society in the Mediterranean World and its Historical Context: From the Origins to the Present World
Panel 1 (HUM-1819-CE-1)
Chair: Prof. Manuel Morales Muñoz
Member: Prof. María Josefa de La Torre Molina
Secretary: Prof. Pablo Ortego Rico
Panel 2 (HUM-1819-CE-1)
Chair: Prof. María Antonia Martínez Núñez
Member: Prof. José Enrique Márquez Romero
Secretary: Prof. Antonio Juan Calvo Maturana
Line 2 History of Art
Panel 1 (HUM-1819-CE-2)
Chair: María Teresa Méndez Baiges
Member: Prof. Francisco Javier Ordóñez Vergara
Secretary: Prof. Sonia Ríos Moyano
Panel 2 (HUM-1819-CE-2)
Chair: Prof. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega
Member: Prof. María Belén Ruiz Garrido
Secretary: Prof. Eva María Ramos Frendo
Line 3 Philosophy, Science and Citizenship
Single panel (HUM-1819-CE-3)
Chair: Prof. Juan Agustín García González
Member: Prof. Pedro José Chamizo Domínguez
Secretary: Prof. Juan José Padial Benticuaga
Substitute: Prof. Antonio Diéguez Lucena
Line 4 Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity
Panel 1 (HUM-1819-CE-4)
Chair: Prof. Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti
Member: Prof. Marta González González
Secretary: Prof. Antón Alvar Nuño
Panel 2 (HUM-1819-CE-4)
Chair: Prof. Juan Francisco Martos Montiel
Member: Prof. María Pilar Corrales Aguilar
Secretary: Prof. Antón Alvar Nuño
Panels from the Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2016/2017 - 2016/2017 - 2017/2018
Line 1 Identities, Power and Society in the Mediterranean World and their Historical Context: From their Origins to the Present Day
Panel 1 (HUM-1314-CE-1)
Chair: Prof. Pedro Rodríguez Oliva
Member: Prof. María Isabel López García
Secretary: Prof. Ágatha Ortega Cera
Panel 2 (HUM-1314-CE-1)
Chair: Prof. José Enrique López de Coca Casta: Prof. José Enrique López de Coca Castañer
Member: Prof. Manuel Morales Muñoz
Secretary: Prof. Juan Jesús Bravo Caro
Line 2 History of Art
Panel 1 (HUM-1314-CE-2)
Chair: Prof. Francisco Juan García Gómez
Member: Prof. Natalia Bravo Ruiz
Secretary: Prof. Carmen González Román
Panel 2 (HUM-1314-CE-2)
Chair: Prof. José Miguel Morales Folguera
Member: Prof. Reyes Escalona Pérez
Secretary: Prof. Juan Antonio Sánchez López
Line 3 Philosophy, Science and Citizenship
Panel 1 (HUM-1314-CE-3)
Chair: Prof. Luis E. de Santiago Guervós
Member: Prof. Alfredo Burrieza Muñiz
Secretary: Prof. Marco Parmeggiani Rueda
Panel 2 (HUM-1314-CE-3)
Chair: Prof. Antonio Diéguez Lucena Prof. Antonio Diéguez Lucena
Member: Prof. Manuel Toscano Méndez
Secretary: Prof. Luis Puelles Romero
Line 4 Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity
Panel 1 (HUM-1314-CE-4)
Chair: Prof. Aurelio Pérez Jiménez
Member: Prof. Francisco Sánchez Jiménez
Secretary: Prof. Manuel Álvarez Martí-Aguilar
Panel 2 (HUM-1314-CE-4)
Chair: Prof. Fernando Wulff Alonso Prof. Fernando Wulff Alonso
Member: Prof. Raúl Caballero Sánchez
Secretary: Prof. Clelia Martínez Maza
Panels since the Academic Year 2013/2014 - 2014/2015
Line 1 Identities, Power and Society in the Mediterranean World and their Historical Context: From their Origins to the Present Day
Panel 1
Chair: Prof. José Enrique López de Coca Castañer
Member: Prof. Juan Jesús Bravo Caro
Secretary: Prof. Ágatha Ortega Cera
Panel 2
Chair: Prof. Pedro Rodríguez Oliva Prof. Pedro Rodríguez Oliva
Member: Prof. Juan Sanz Sampelayo
Secretary: Prof. María Isabel López García
Line 2 History of Art
Panel 1
Chair: Prof. Eugenio Carmona Mato
Member: Prof. Juan Antonio Sánchez López
Secretary: Prof. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega
Panel 2
Chair: Prof. José Miguel Morales Folguera Prof. José Miguel Morales Folguera
Member: Prof. María Teresa Méndez Baiges
Secretary: Prof. Natalia Bravo Ruiz
Line 3 Philosophy, Science and Citizenship
Panel 1
Chair: Prof. Luis E. de Santiago Guervós
Member: Prof. Juan A. García González
Secretary: Prof. Marco Parmeggiani Rueda
Panel 2
Chair: Prof. Pedro J. Chamizo Domínguez Prof. Pedro J. Chamizo Domínguez
Member: Prof. José María Rosales Jaime
Secretary: Prof. Luis Puelles Romero
Line 4 Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity
Panel 1
Chair: Prof. Aurelio Pérez Jiménez
Member: Prof. Fernando Wulff Alonso
Secretary: Prof. Manuel Álvarez Martí-Aguilar
Panel 2
Chair: Prof. Inés Calero Secall
Member: Prof. Francisco Sánchez Jiménez
Secretary: Prof. Clelia Martínez Maza