Public Exposition and Upcoming Defences
Doctoral Programme in Advanced Studies in Humanities
Specialisations in History, Art, Philosophy and Ancient Sciences
Criteria for the Defence of the Doctoral Thesis
In accordance with the Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the University of Malaga (approved by the Postgraduate Commission of the University of Malaga in its session of 23rd April 2015): "It is required that, during the process of preparing the doctoral thesis, the doctoral student has generated quality contributions directly related to their thesis work, whose score is equal to or higher than 1 point according to the criteria used by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) when evaluating Doctoral Programmes with Certificate of Excellence. These publications endorse the thesis work (art. 19.2)".
For the defence of the doctoral thesis in Advanced Studies in the Humanities Programme, doctoral students must provide documentary evidence of publications of equivalent value to either one academic article in a journal of international standing (INT) according to the criteria of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH Plus), or a similar international index, or two articles in journals of national standing (NAT) indexed in ERIH Plus or an equivalent quality index. In the case of publications in Spanish, two publications in journals with at least 30 Latindex editorial characteristics may be considered.
If, instead of journal articles (the preferred option), book chapters may be submitted, following the ANEP and ANECA criteria, their publication must be accredited by a publisher of prestige and academic relevance. The CSIC's Scholary Publishers Indicators (SPI) can be used as a reference.
The Governing Council of 28th June 2017 introduced a series of modifications to the Doctoral Regulations which, as far as this aspect is concerned, reads as follows:
Article 19. Quality control of doctoral theses
1. The Academic Committee of each Doctoral Programme shall propose minimum quality criteria for a doctoral thesis to the Postgraduate Committee, to begin the assessment and defence process. Once approved by the Postgraduate Committee, having heard the Doctoral School where appropriate, these criteria will be published on the programme's website.
2. In general, and respecting the ways the different branches of knowledge operate, it is a requisite that, during the process of preparing the doctoral thesis, the doctoral student has generated quality contributions directly related to their thesis work, the total score of which is equal to or higher than 1 point according to the criteria used by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) in the evaluation of Doctoral Programmes with a Certificate of Excellence. These merits will endorse the preparation of the thesis.
3. Quality contributions are those that can be evaluated with at least 0.5 points, according to the ANECA criteria for the evaluation of Doctoral Programmes with a Certificate of Excellence, as well as the specific evaluations (ordinary and extraordinary) of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI).
4. When the ANECA or the CNEAI do not establish scores lower than 1 point in detail, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme will define the corresponding scores that allow each contribution to be assigned a value of 0, 0.50, 0.75 or 1 point. These evaluation criteria will be published on the Doctoral Programme website.
5. The requirements for contributions submitted to endorse a thesis are as follows:
a) That they have been presented, published or accepted for publication, display or reproduction after the date of enrollment of the PhD student on the Doctoral Programme.
b) That the University of Malaga is mentioned in the thesis, through the affiliation of the supervisor and/or the PhD student.
c) That the PhD student is listed as the first or second author of all of these.
6. Only in truly exceptional cases may the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme authorise that in a contribution that supports a thesis, the PhD student appears in a position subsequent to the second, or that the contribution has been produced in a period of research prior to the student's enrollment on the Programme, in view of the justifications presented and with the approval of the Postgraduate Committee.
7. For branches of knowledge in which the ANECA and the CNEAI recognise extraordinary criteria or valuations, other than publications, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme will submit the proposal of complements to the grading parameters to the Postgraduate Committee, for its approval. These complements shall not exceed half of these parameters.
Progressivity in the Application of the Criteria
The third transitional provision of the Regulation states that:
"The minimum quality criteria required in articles 19 and 21 of these regulations will be progressively applied. Thus, the minimum score required for a thesis to be admitted for processing, calculated as the sum of the points of the contributions that support the thesis, shall be
0.5 points for theses presented by doctoral students who have enrolled for the first time on a doctoral programme at the University of Malaga in the 2013-14 academic year.
0.75 points for theses submitted by doctoral students who have enrolled for the first time on a doctoral programme at the University of Malaga in the 2014-15 academic year.
1 point for theses presented by doctoral students who have enrolled for the first time on a doctoral programme at the University of Malaga in the 2015-16 academic year".
In accordance with this transitional provision, the Academic Committee shall apply the criteria for the defence of the doctoral thesis in a proportional and gradual manner.
From November 2016, the entire procedure, subject to the approval of the Academic Committee, is carried out through the DAD platform.
Academic Year 2021/2022
Francisco Hidalgo Fernández
Familia y artesanos plateros en el sureste español, 1700-1868. Trayectorias de cambio y movilidad social
Supervised by Drs. los Dres. Maria Del Pilar Pezzi Cristobal and Francisco García González
Friday, 16 December 2022. 10 a.m. Board Room of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
Academic Year 2020/2021
Leticia Crespillo Marí
La luz en los procesos de recepción estética contemporánea: una propuesta alternativa de registro catalográfico inmersivo para instalaciones y environments lumínicos
Supervised by Drs. Rafael Sanchez-lafuente Gemar and Maria Teresa Sauret Guerrero
Friday, September 30, 2022. 10 a.m. Board Room of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
Cultura humana y evolución: una perspectiva biológica desde la ecología del comportamiento y la teoría de la herencia dual
Álvaro Moreno Marín
Supervised by Dr. Antonio Javier Diéguez Lucena
Monday, September 26, 2022. 10:00 a.m. Rodríguez de Berlanga room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Cronología y temporalidad en recintos de fosos prehistóricos. La puerta P1 del complejo arqueológico de Perdigões como caso de estudio
José Luis Caro Herrero
Supervised by Dr. José Enrique Márquez Romero
Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 11:30 a.m. Degree room. Faculty of Tourism
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
La evolución del teatro en Corea y el diálogo oriente-occidente en las artes escénicas
Eun Kyung Kang
Supervised by Dra. Aurelia Martín Casares
Thursday, July 14, 2022. 11:00 a.m. Degree room. Faculty of Social and Labor Studies
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Juan Temboury Álvarez (1899-1965): el patrimonio como existencia vital
Carlos Sarria Fernández,
Supervised by Dr. Juan Antonio Sánchez López
Monday, July 04, 2022. 11:00 a.m. Rodríguez de Berlanga room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Madrid sin luz. La Primera Guerra Mundial y la crisis energética en la capital de España (1914-1922)
Nuria Rodríguez Martín
Supervised by Drs. Mercedes Fernández Paradas y Juan Jesús Bravo Caro
Wednesday, June 29, 2022. 11:00 a.m. Rodríguez de Berlanga room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Espacios y póleis en el libro III de Estrabón: fusión de tradiciones y procesos geo-históricos en la creación de una Península
Encarnación Castro Páez
Supervised by Dr. Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti
Friday, June 10, 2022, 10 a.m. Mixed modality on-site at the University of Malaga (Rodríguez de Berlanga room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters) and videoconference
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
The Sociopolitics of the Revivals of Classical Drama in Greece, Spain, and Italy in the 20th Century
Vasileios Balaskas
Supervised by Dra. Marta González González
Friday, April 22, 2022. Rodríguez de Berlanga room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
Arguments to believe and beliefs to argue. Epistemic logics for argumentation and its dynamics
Antonio Yuste Ginel
Supervised by Dr. Alfredo Burrieza Muñiz
Tuesday, April 1, 2022, 9 a.m. Mixed modality on-site at the University of Malaga and videoconference
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
La diosa Hécate griega. Delimitación de los perfiles astral y mágico de la divinidad
Nerea López Carrasco
Supervised by el Dr. Aurelio Pérez Jiménez
Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 11:30 a.m. Rodríguez de Berlanga room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
Picta nilotica romana. Elaboración y difusión de la iconografía del paisaje de Egipto en el mundo romano
Eleonora Voltan
Supervised by Dra. Isabel López García
Monday, February 21, 2022, 10 a.m. Mixed modality on-site at the University of Malaga and videoconference
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention
Francisco Javier Bellido Sánchez
Democracy in Constituent Moments: A Political-Philosophical Exploration of the 1977–78 Constitutional Debate in Spain
Supervised by Dr. José María Rosales Jaime
Monday, January 13, 2022, 10:30 a.m. Modality: On line
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Cristina Sanz Martín
Hacia una renovación de la tradición paisajística occidental: el videopaisaje del Antropoceno (1965-2020)
Supervised by Dra. Natalia Bravo Ruiz
Thursday, 16 December 2021, 11 a.m.
Venue: Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Juan José del Junco González
Ornitología emocional. Una metodología inter y transdisciplinaria entre la ornitología de campo y la práctica artística
Supervised by Drs. Francisco Javier Garcerá Ruiz y Carlos Miranda Mas
Thursday, 18 November 2021, 11.00 a.m.
Venue: Meeting Room of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UMA
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Ana Barrena Gómez
In morbum cadere: Fuentes documentales para el estudio de la sanidad en la ciudad de Málaga (siglos XVIII-XIX)
Supervised by Dra. Alicia Carmen Marchant Rivera
Friday, October 15, 2021, 10:30 a.m. Online mode
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Sheila Rodríguez Cañestro
Representaciones de la inquietante extrañeza: pintoras figurativas europeas nacidas en la segunda mitad del siglo XX
Supervised by Dr. Francisco Javier Garcerá Ruiz
Thursday, October 7, 2021, 11:00 a.m.
Venue: Meeting Room of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UMA
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Academic Year 2020/2021
María Inmaculada Hurtado Suárez
No sólo los diamantes son los mejores amigos de una “chica”: creadoras a la vanguardia del ornamento corporal
Supervised by Dra. María Teresa Mendez Baiges
Friday, July 23, 2021, 09:00 hs. Online mode
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude.
Elisabet García Gil
Comerciantas y financieras en el tránsito del Antiguo al Nuevo Régimen en Málaga. Estudio jurídico y diplomático
Supervised by Dr. Juan Jesús Bravo Caro
Thursday, 22nd July 2021, 11 hs. Online Mode
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Alejandro Ocaña Fernández
Reflejos compartidos: El teatro del Grand Guignol y el surrealismo
Supervised by Dra. María del Carmen González Román
Wednesday, July 14, 2021,11:00 hs.
Venue: Rodríguez de Berlaga Meeting Room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude
Pablo Benítez Gómez
República, retaguardia y justicia militar en la serranía de Ronda (1930-1940)
Supervised by Dra. Lucía Prieto Borrego
Monday, July 12, 2021, 11:00 hs. Online Mode
Calificación: Outstanding cum Laude.
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez
ExpoFinder y Pathfinder. Infraestructura tecnológica para la generación de conocimiento en el ámbito de la Historia del Arte
Supervised by Drs. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega y José Miguel Morales Folguera
Thursday, 1st July 2021, 11 hs.
Venue: Rodríguez de Berlaga Meeting Room. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude.
Fiacha Jorge O'donnell Pina
Definición de criterios para una propuesta taxonómica de las artes de “Acción” en Madrid (1998-2018)
Supervised by Dr. Joaquin Luciano Ivars Pineda
Monday, 21st June 2021, 10:30 hs. Online mode.
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude.
Eduardo Serrano Gómez
Las ‘Quadrige’ de Arsegino de Padua: estudio, edición crítica, traducción y comentario
Supervised by Dr. Antonio Alberte González
Monday, June 14, 2021, 11:00 hs. Online mode.
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude.
Sergio Blanco Fajardo
Discursos radiofónicos: conformidad y resitencias. Las emisones femeninas de Radio Madrid durante el primer franquismo (1939-1959)
Supervised by Dra. Mª Dolores Ramos Palomo
Thursday, 27th May 2021, 16:00 hs. Online mode
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Jesús Manuel García Ayoso
Haciendas señoriales en Andalucía. El ducado de Alcalá y el condado de El Puerto (siglos XIV-XVI)
Supervised by Dr. Ángel Galán Sánchez
Thursday, 29 April 2021, 18:00 hs. Online mode
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Delia Macías Fuentes
La obra dramática Delphinus de Francisco Satorres: estudio introductorio, edición crítica, traducción anotada e índices
Supervised by Dres. Cristobal Macías Villalobos y José María Maestre Maestre
Monday, 26 April 2021, 11:00 hs. Online mode
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Darío Buñuel Falconi
Nuevas formas de relación entre la escritura filosófica y el arte: Una lectura teórico-práctica a partir de la obra de Nietzsche / New forms of relationship between Philosophical Writing and Art: A Theoretical-Practical Reading of Nietzsche's Work.
Supervised by Dr. Joaquín Luciano Ivars Pineda
Tuesday 15th December 2020. 10 hrs. Online mode.
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude.
Luis Delgado Mata
¿Una revolución invisible? El pensamiento liberal y la pintura española en el siglo XIX / An Invisible Revolution? Liberal Thought and Spanish Painting in the 19th Century
Supervised by Dr. Maria Teresa Sauret Guerrero
Tuesday 1st December 2020. 16.30 hrs. Online mode.
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Jacobo Hernando Morejón
La histori(et)a representada. Discurso, práctica y representación de la historia de España a través de sus cómics (1940-2018) / The represented comic strip. Discourse, practice and representation of the history of Spain through its comics (1940-2018)
Supervised by Dr. Alicia Carmen Marchant Rivera and Dr. Lorena Barco Cebrián
Monday 30th November 2020. 16:30 hrs.
Venue: Aulario López Peñalver (ADA). Online mode.
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude.
Academic Year 2019/2020
María Ortiz Tello
Picasso en el circuito expositivo: coleccionistas, préstamos y circulación artistic / Picasso in the exhibition circuit: collectors, loans and artistic circulation
Supervised by Dr. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega
Tuesday 30th June 2020.10 hrs. Online Mode.
Grade: Outstanding cum Laude with International Doctor Mention.
Pablo García Barranquero
Is Aging a Disease? The Philosophical Debate between Bioconservatives and Transhumanists on Life Extension
Supervised by Drs. Antonio Javier Diéguez Lucena and Andrés Moya Simarro
Friday 12th June 2020. Online Mode.
Grade: Outstanding with International Doctoral Mention.
Clara Romero Godoy
Picasso: autor, protagonista y objeto dramático / Picasso: Author, Protagonist and Dramatic Object
Supervised by Dr. Maria del Carmen González Román
Wednesday 19th February 2020. Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga. 5 p.m.
Grade: Excellent cum laude.
Javier Artero Flores
La suspensión narrativa como acontecimiento en la vídeo-instalación. Aproximaciones desde la práctica artística / Narrative suspension as an event in video-installation. Approaches from artistic practice
Supervised by Drs. Carlos Miranda Mas and Blanca Montalvo Gallego
Monday 3rd February 2020. Sala de Grados of the Faculty of Fine Arts. 10 hrs.
Grade: Outstanding cum laude with International Doctor Mention.
Federico Gálvez Gambero
Endeudamiento y financiación de la Corona de Castilla en época Trastámara (ca. 1387-1504) / Indebtedness and Financing of the Crown of Castile in the Trastámara period (ca. 1387-1504)
Supervised by Dr. Ángel Galán Sánchez
Monday 16th December 2019. Sala de Juntas Fac. de Ciencias de la Comunicación. 9:30 am.
Grade: Outstanding cum laude with International Doctor Mention.
Alfredo Ibañez Linares
Jorge Loring Oyarzábal: las contradicciones de un burgués / Jorge Loring Oyarzábal: The Contradictions of a Bourgeois
Supervised by Dr. Manuel Morales Muñoz
Friday 13th December 2019. Modern History Seminar. 11.30 hrs.
Grade: Excellent cum laude.
Jose Villena Jurado
Málaga y la tierra de su corregimiento bajo el reinado de Felipe III / Malaga and the land of its townships under the reign of Philip III.
Supervised by Dr. Juan Jesús Bravo Caro
Wednesday 11th December 2019. Sala Rodríguez de Berlanga. 11 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding cum laude.
Laura Maíllo Palma
¿En el principio fue el verbo? Sobre sentido y significación en las artes performativas contemporáneas / Was the verb at the beginning? On meaning and significance in contemporary performing arts.
Supervised by Dr. Luis de Puelles Romero
Monday 18th November 2019. Sala de Grados María Zambrano, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11:30 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding with International Doctorate Mention.
Academic Year 2018/2019
Claudia Fernández Fernández
Knowledge and Awareness. Bringing together Epistemology and Logic
Supervised by Dr. Alfredo Burrieza Muñiz
Monday 30th September. María Zambrano Hall, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11:30 a.m.
Grade: Excellent cum laude
Alfonso Carlos Domínguez Alonso
La parafrasi bizantina di Isaac Argiro del Commento Anonimo al Tetrabiblos di Tolomeo: Edizione critica bilingue. / Isaac Argiro's Byzantine paraphrase of the Anonymous Commentary on Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos: Bilingual Critical Edition
Supervised by Dr. Prof. Giovanna Pace (UNISA) and Prof. Raúl Caballero-Sánchez (UMA) in co-direction with the University of Salerno.
Tuesday 16th July, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Università di Salerno, 11 hrs.
Grade: Excellent / Outstanding.
José Ignacio Mayorga Chamorro
Fact . Mexico. The Novo-Hispanic painter Pedro López Calderón. (active ca. 1681-ca. 1733)
Supervised by Drs. Dolores Reyes Escalera Perez and José Miguel Morales Folguera.
Friday 5th July 2019. Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga Meeting Room. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11:00 hrs.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Luisa Lesage Gárriga
Critical Edition with Commentaries of Plutarch's Treatise De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet
Cotutelle / Joint Doctorate the University of Groningen Supervised by Drs. C. Alcalde Martín (UMA), A. Pérez Jiménez (UMA) and L. Roig Lanzillotta (GRUG).
Thursday 20th June 2019. Theology Hall of the ‘Academy Building’. University of Groningen. 16:15hrs.
Qualification: Awarded with distinction cum laude / Outstanding Cum Laude by unanimous vote.
Marina Castilla Ortega
La construcción lingüística de El Escorial. Estudio del factor lingüístico en las valoraciones crítico-estéticas de los hechos artísticos / The linguistic construction of El Escorial. Study of the linguistic factor in the critical-aesthetic evaluations of artistic events.
Supervised by Dr. Teresa Sauret Guerrero and Dr. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega.
Wednesday 15th May 2019. Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts 11:30 am.
Grade: Excellent Cum Laude.
Israel David Medina Ruiz
El anticlericalismo en Málaga durante la Segunda República / Anticlericalism in Malaga during the Second Republic
Supervised by Drs. Juan Jesús Bravo Caro and Mercedes Fernández Paradas
Thursday 30th April 2019. Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Academic Year 2017/2018
Augusto Trujillo Werner
From Ontology to Ethics in John M. Finnis and Thomas Aquinas
Supervised by Dr. Juan Agustín García González
Friday, 29 June 2018. Sala de Juntas Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Luis Alberto Botella Sánchez
'The field of Korean Archaeology in South Korea (1945-1979). Power relations in the Institutionalization and Professionalization of archaeology'.
Supervised by Drs. Fernando Wulff Alonso and Antonio J. Doménech del Río
Friday 22nd December 2017. Salón de Grados. Faculty of Social and Labour Sciences. 10:30 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Gloria Luque Moya
'John Dewey, Confucio y el arte de vivir. Un estudio comparado de la noción de experiencia estética' / John Dewey, Confucius and the art of living. A comparative study of the notion of aesthetic experience'.
Supervised by Dr. María Rosa Fernández Gómez and Dr. Luis Enrique de Santiago Guervós.
Friday 24th November 2017. Sala de Juntas Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11.30 am.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Juan Manuel Cervantes Mauri
‘La Vida de Publícola de Plutarco: traducción y estudio histórico y literario del personaje’ / Plutarch's Life of Publicola: translation and historical and literary study of the character'.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Aurelio Pérez Jiménez
Friday 6th October 2017. Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11:30 hrs.
Grade: Excellent Cum Laude
Academic Year 2016/2017
Irene Melendo Millán
'El Singular: en la confluencia entre el pensamiento de Kierkegaard y la metafísica del ser' / The Singular: in the confluence between Kierkegaard's thought and the metaphysics of being'.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. D. Juan Agustín García González
Thursday 7th September 2017. Sala de Juntas Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 11.30 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctorate Mention.
José Manuel Triano Milán
'El reino de Sevilla y la fiscalidad extraordinaria de la Corona de Castilla. Del pedido regio a las contribuciones de la Santa Hermandad (1406-1498)' / ‘The Kingdom of Seville and the extraordinary taxation of the Crown of Castile. From the royal order to the contributions of the Santa Hermandad (1406-1498)'.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. D. Ángel Galán Sánchez
Tuesday 18th July 2017, Sala de Juntas Rodríguez de Berlanga, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. 10.30 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Javier Verdejo Vaquero
'ARTIFICIO E REALTÀ: La joyería en las cortes de Madrid y Nápoles durante el siglo XVIII' / 'ARTIFICE AND REALITY: The joyería en las cortes de Madrid y Nápoles durante el siglo XVIII' (The joyería in the courts of Madrid and Naples during the 18th century)
Thesis Cotutelle / Joint Doctorate (Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" / UMA) Supervised by los Drs. Ornella Cirillo and Juan María Montijano
Thursday 1st June 2017. Department of Civil Engineering, Building Design and Environment of the Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences. University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". 10 hrs.
Grade: Excellent / Outstanding Cum Laude by unanimous vote
Flor Herrero Valdés
'Edición, Traducción y Comentario de los Himnos Mágicos Griegos' / Edition, Translation and Commentary of the Greek Magical Hymns'.
Supervised by Professors José Luis Calvo Martínez and Aurelio Pérez Jiménez.
Saturday 17th December 2016. Latin Philology Seminar (Tower 5, first floor, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts). 9 hrs.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctor Mention.
Academic Year 2014/2015
Lorena Catalina Barco Cebrián
La Institución Notarial en Málaga a la Luz del Catastro de Ensenada' (The Notarial Institution in Malaga in light of the Ensenada Register).
Supervised by Professor Alicia Marchant Rivera
Friday 17th July 2015, Sala de Juntas of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, 10:30 a.m.
Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude, International Doctorate Mention
María Vicenta Caro Cabrera
'El Relato como Irresolución Narrativa en la Fotografía Secuencial. El Caso de Adventure Series de Tracey Moffart' / Story as Narrative Irresolution in Sequential Photography. The Case of Tracey Moffart's Adventure Series'.
Supervised by Professor Carlos Miranda Más, Tutor: Francisco Javier Garcerá Ruiz
Tuesday 7th July 2015, Sala de Juntas of the Faculty of Fine Arts (2nd building, 3rd floor), 11:30 a.m.
Grade: Excellent Cum Laude