Staffing Needs
The study and analysis of the necessity for temporary substitute teachers is undertaken according to the Regulations governing the substitution of teachers at the University of Malaga and the contracting of Temporary Substitute Teachers approved by the Governing Council on 16 December 2013, and the Staff Management Plan (POD) in force at the University of Malaga. See regulation.
The selection process for Temporary Substitute Teachers (PSI) is undertaken through public merit competition in order to create JOB OFFERS.
A job offer will be created, if necessary, for each area of knowledge, based on the selection processes convened for that purpose. The selection process will include all participants, and will be ordered according to the marks obtained.
In order to provide for staffing needs that may arise during the academic year, the Head of Department may request the convening of a competition for the creation of a job offer for Temporary Substitute Teachers. Whatever the case, The Vice Rectorate for Academic Planning and Teaching may on its own initiative convene a competition for those areas of knowledge where the teaching staff is insufficient for the academic needs that may arise.
The job offer will have a validity of two years. However, a new competition may be convened if there are no applicants for the job offer or there are insufficient numbers to cover staff needs. A new competition procedure may also be initiated when the remaining candidates obtained marks below 25 points, applying the criteria of relevancy to the area and weighting due to saturation of some of the sections.
Job offers in force when the Regulation which governs the substitution of teachers at the University of Malaga and the contracting of Temporary Substitute Teachers came into force, and which was approved by the Governing Council on 16 December 2013, shall continue to have effect for a period of three years from their creation.
Application Form:
Once the job offer for each area of knowledge within the Department has been established, the Head of Department may initiate the recruiting process for Temporary Substitute Teachers by means of a request where they shall justify the need for such substitution as well as the teaching load and schedule of the absence to be covered.
The Vice Rectorate for Academic Planning and Teaching will examine the request and, where relevant, request authorization from the competent body.