Teaching and Research Staff and List of Posts
As established by the Statute of the University of Malaga:
The University of Malaga will issue an annual statement of expenditure, list of staff posts, indicating the academic status of civil servant teaching staff as well as contracted teaching staff (Art. 74).
The Governing Council is responsible for the approval of teaching and research staff's list of posts as well as the modifications due to an increase, decrease or change of name of job posts. All will be performed following the Board of Centres and Department Council's report and UMA's Strategic Plan, while relying on efficient criteria; moreover, with due regard to norms regulating the development, execution, and budget monitoring of the University (Art. 75).
Civil servant teaching posts, indicated as vacancies within the List of Teaching and Research Posts, can be made available through merit competition. The Governing Council shall issue the Call for Job Applications in accordance with the legal system (Art. 86).
The Statement of Regular Expenditure shall include the List of all job posts, specifying personnel costs. Costs relating to the Teaching and Research Staff as well as the Administrative and Service Staff must be authorised by the Autonomous Community (Art. 177).
Any modification undergone in the management of University services shall not entail an overall reduction in the number of posts established in the issued List of Job Posts (Disp. Ad. 4ª).
Therefore, the List of Job Posts is the technical instrument used by the University for staff planning, in accordance with the given teaching and research demands, and responds to a job post created with a purpose unrelated to the appointed candidate.
The staff is based on the number of posts fulfilled by those who fit the teaching and research staff profile, paying attention to the subjective component of the human structure, as well as temporary substitute teachers.
Teaching and Research Staff according to category and gender on the 31st December 2015: